needle and thread

>> Monday, December 7, 2009

Just finished replacing the missing button on my shorts. The button has been missing since I can't remember, and I have been meaning to sew on a new one... since I can't remember when... Yeh, so I only remembered when I packed this pair of shorts in.

This little exercise in handywork proves how diligent a student I am. Back when I was in year 9, which is almost 8 years ago now, one of our arts subjects was textiles, where we were all taught the art of dealing with fabric and needlework. The central project was to make a stuffed toy snake, which i still have lying around somewhere back in the study. Remind me to upload a photo of it some time.
Anyway, when it came time to assessment, (where to my memory I received a D - not distinction, but grade D in the order of A, B, C, D, etc.), my teacher's only comment to me was "Sew More".

And to this day, I have taken the suggestion to heart, and you will occasionally find me hunched over a damaged garment with needle and thread in hand, attempting to repair it to the best of my abilities. I'd be happy to help with yours if you so wish - just drop me a line! =D


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