>> Monday, December 7, 2009

Whilst setting up this blog, I was asked, as we do, to select a url. I went through a whole bunch, as you do, including kiwisan, kiwispot, and anything else with a kiwi in it. If you haven't realised already, Kiwi is my nickname, the origins if which will come to light at a later date.

Anyway, I finally arrived at "mbarc88" - a simple anagram that details my origins, and reflects on how I usually identify myself:

And 88 refers to 1988, the year in which I arrived in Australia as a young baby not even 6 months out of the womb.

I reckon that it's pretty cool the anagram can be pronounced "EMBARK", mainly coz I have recently 'MBARC-ked' on a one and a half month trip across South East Asia with my friends (which coincides with a desire I have of setting up a travel blog). It also builds on the idea of the new age of global migration, where people 'MBARK' on journey's to new worlds and new lives. Also, I just love to travel, which also alludes to the word 'EMBARK'.... well you get the picture - I just love this anagram/word I've created!

So there you have it, mbarc88.blogspot.com

A note about the photo included in this post:
For a mate's 22nd birthday, a friend and I decided to cook up a 10 course degustation meal - and yes, this was during or just after the MasterChef hype of Australia. One of the items on the menu was Picris, better known as Ox Tongue. This is what it looked like before it was served. I don't think we ever told the guests what was served on that particular meat platter.... I may have mentioned pizzle though...


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